All is Not Lost

Executive producers: David Dangoor CBE, Lady Gilda Levy

Created by: Ruth Beni and Daniel Greaves

Director of Animation: Daniel Greaves.

Stop Motion Animator/ Director of Photography: Shaun Sewter

Drawn Animation: Daniel Greaves.

Music and Sound: Mcasso.

Written and Produced by Ruth Beni

Directed by: Daniel Greaves and Ruth Beni

When a cataclysmic volcanic eruption flings a jumble of debris deep into a dark underground cave, these shattered components of life, an assortment of shells, sticks, eyes, rocks and limbs driven by the eternal instinct for survival, quickly reassemble into new living creatures.

All is Not Lost blends suspense with humour and has a highly distinctive visual style fusing natural objects with specially crafted materials. The technique is an inventive and original combination of stop-motion and drawn animation.

The film is due to be launched in 2023. 

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