Two Little Girls


Serbia is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour, including domestic servitude and forced begging. Serbian women are subjected to sex trafficking by Serbian criminal groups in northern Italy, Germany, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Austria, and Sweden. Serbian nationals are subjected to labour trafficking in countries including Azerbaijan, Slovenia, and Russia, as well as in the United Arab Emirates within the construction sector.

The government reported that Serbian citizens were subjected to forced labour at various construction sites in Sochi, Russia.

Serbian victims are often subjected to trafficking by family members. There are increasing numbers of Serbian children, particularly ethnic Roma, subjected to internal sex trafficking, forced labour, forced begging, and coercion to petty crime within the country. Foreign victims of trafficking identified in Serbia are from neighbouring countries including Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova.

Serbia is rated as a Tier 2 Country by the US Department of State’s 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report indicating that the Government of Serbia does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. 

“SRH Serbia and the Red Cross in Serbia will deliver a joint anti-trafficking programme using the TLG film reaching an estimated 70,000 young people through 2014.”


SRH Serbia since its foundation in 2002, works towards achieving a discrimination free, gender equal and pro choice environment in which young people would be able to develop, prosper and make informed decisions regarding various aspects of their lives, including sexual and reproductive health and raising awareness on HIV/AIDS. SRH Serbia is an Associate Member of International Planned Parenthood Federation, a global leader in provision of reproductive health and sexual rights services which has existed since 1952 and operates in 152 countries worldwide.  SRH Serbia aims to improve the quality of life of individuals by providing and campaigning for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) through advocacy and services, especially for poor and vulnerable people. SRH Serbia defends the right of all people to enjoy sexual lives free from ill health, unwanted pregnancy, violence and discrimination.

Key Objectives: 

  • Implementation of preventive health programs and psycho-social protection of youth.
  • Protection of the rights of children and young people
  • Scaling up the employment of youth
  • Affirmation of young people and their organisation’s role in the society
  • Participation of young people and their organisations in decision making in youth education
  • Affirmation of appropriate social values among young people. 


  • The Serbian version of the TLG film is available with or without sign language. Lead partner SRH has also translated and dubbed the film into Romani for use within Roma communities, again available with or without sign language.
  • In October 2012 the Head of the Office for Anti-Trafficking screened TLG on prime time TV programme Studio B. The programme discussion was focused on human trafficking for 13 minutes. The viewing audience is estimated as up to 2 million viewers.
  • The TLG campaign was presented at a regional anti-trafficking conference organized by the Ministry of the Interior and the Blue Heart Campaign with 50 participants from government, aid agencies and NGOs. The dissemination of TLG was adopted as one of the four regional recommendations of the conference.
  • Workshops are being run in Roma communities in Serbia, targeting one of the most vulnerable groups to trafficking. So far more than 1000 Roma young people have participated in TLG workshops.
  • More than 50 volunteers have been trained to deliver TLG workshops. All of SRH Serbia’s volunteers continue to be trained to use TLG in their work with young people
  • More than 600 young people have participated in TLG workshops run in secondary schools by partner organisation ASTRA.  
  • Partner organisation SRH Serbia worked closely with the Ministry of the Interior to obtain accreditation from the Ministry of Education to screen TLG in all schools in Serbia. In collaboration with these two Ministries and the Institute for Public Health, SRH Serbia has ensured that the TLG film will now be included in an education module on trafficking to be taught to primary school students, reaching an estimated 50,000 children. The prevention will take place among the general population but with a special focus on vulnerable populations where possible and feasible. 
  • SRH Serbia and the Red Cross in Serbia have developed a joint anti-trafficking programme using the TLG film and campaign materials. The Red Cross in Serbia already runs a large campaign of activities and lectures on the subject and agreed to include the TLG film in these activities. A 3-day peer educator conference will take place in 2014 to train Red Cross peer educators to use the TLG film in their work. The Red Cross estimate that over 70,000 young people throughout Serbia will participate in the programme throughout 2014.
  • SRH Serbia secured funding from the US Embassy to run a peer education and empowerment project with Roma young women, teaching life skills and to live healthily. The TLG film and materials will be used in this project
  • TLG has been used in the training of the police force in order to sensitize police officers to potential victims of trafficking.
  • The TLG film was screened at an event at the border of Croatia and Serbia on the 2013 European Day Against Trafficking in Human Beings attended by both countries Chiefs of Police, government representatives, NGO workers and the media.
  • The TLG film was screened in the charity stand area at Exit Festival on 12-15 July 2012. 500 DVDs were distributed to young people at the festival and discussions were held on the film. The film was screened between 70 and 90 times with an estimated 800-1000 people seeing the film.

ASTRA Preventive Anti-Trafficking Workshop